





1. Integrate new knowledge of biomedicine into the curriculum and apply it to clinical science.

2. Match up the changes in medical environments to update teaching content and strengthen the curriculum of general education, medical humanities and medical ethics to develop highly-skilled and ethical doctors.

3. Arrange visits to foreign universities or medical centers by our academics to research medical education and establish a medical research center to advance medical education for developing future leaders in the field.

4. Encourage our academics to go to foreign medical centers for advanced biomedical research to promote the quality of research and to lead research teams.

5. Reinforce the integration of interdisciplinary teaching and research to help professors and doctors in expanding their skills.

6. Develop focal research groups, plan budgets for research space, personnel matters, important instruments etc., to be evaluated and improved by the Office of Research and Development according to the developing feature of each research group.

7. Keep advancing cooperation with internal or international medical teaching organizations and holding and attending meetings to increase the quality of teaching, research and medical treatment as well as our international reputation.

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